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The Rosemond Family is Moving to Africa!

leap to senegal

The Rosemond Family is Moving to Africa!


Yup. You read that right. In June (2019) the Rosemonds will be moving to Dakar, Senegal for 3 years. Senegal is a beautiful country on the westernmost tip of Africa, rich in tradition, culture, opportunity, and most importantly, your cousins.

What do YOU get out of all this? You get a destination, an opportunity and a relationship IN Africa with somebody you know! The Rosemonds, in partnership with EBAN hair products (, will be creating a soft-place to land and actively hosting our friends to re-connect with their heritage in Dakar, Senegal (PARTICULARLY the ones who’ve never been).

Senegal is the home of the newly opened Museum of Black Civilisations (the largest of its kind in the world) and the infamous Goree Island. Not to mention culture, food and Senegalese people. Senegal is one of the most stable, safe and welcoming countries in Africa.

There are still a lot of unknowns regarding our time there and I’m going to do my best to share our preparation and journey with the intent on demystifying as much about Africa (and the journey) as possible.  My ultimate goal is two-fold, first, make travel to Africa mentally and emotionally more possible for YOU, and second, make travel to Africa more logistically possible.

Sure you can go to a travel agent or register for a destination trip but can you be received and welcomed by someone who knows your name? You can now.

How can you engage in this process and possibly give help?

  • You can engage with me on Facebook, ask questions, voice concerns,
  • you can patronize and share EBAN hair care products,
  • you can follow this blog where I’ll be posting updates, guidance and resources on travel to Afric,
  • you can join us for our “going home” party (date and location TBD),
  • and you can begin the process of DECIDING to visit us.

We don’t know exactly what this situation looks like for all of us yet but let’s start the thought planning now.

Comments: 3

  • Thomas Alan Young
    April 4, 2019 9:24 pm

    Best wishes to you and your family brother Rosemond! I will explore the possibilities of visiting you.

  • Del
    April 6, 2019 7:07 pm

    Great to hear! I’m actually trying to make another visit this summer (Ghana, business and cultural). I’ll connect with you, but thanks for sharing.

  • Bruce G. Johnson
    April 13, 2019 5:22 am

    Great story. I look forward to visiting The Rosemonds in Dakar, Senegal. I feel you’re absolutely correct about having that welcoming connection in the birth of our culture. I’ll start planning. God Bless.

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