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Why Co washing natural hair is important

Why Co Washing Natural Hair is Important

Why Co Washing Natural Hair is Important

Throughout American history Natural Black hair has evoked PLENTY of unfair and negative stereotypes as well as actual discrimination and marginalization. To manage “expectations”, fit in with peer groups, sustain livelihoods (and a host of other reasons) Black women have subjected their hair to chemical and heat damage in the form of relaxers, colorants, hot combs, and texturizers.

Now, after years of bleaching and relaxing to fit what society tells us what is beautiful and acceptable, we’ve reached an all time high of Black-owned natural hair products, Black owned salons and Black hair care support resources. This surge in ownership and guidance allows us to write our own narrative and view ourselves the way we should always have been viewed, strong and beautiful! We’re taking back our power!

And a big part of that happens through loving our Black hair which is why Co washing natural hair is important.

We’ve always known how versatile our hair can be, but we’ve also learned that it can be the easiest of all hair types to style! (Cowashing enables Black women with natural hair to simultaneously cleanse and moisturize their hair, leaving it gorgeous and ready to style in any way we choose!) This is largely because of the artistry that we hold in creating patterns and more recently, the invention of co washes.

The artistry of patterns and styles    <<< fix this

Why Co Washing Natural Hair is Important

The benefits of co washing natural tresses are, daily cleansing, stress-free combing and easy hair styling. Even color-treated natural hair works with co washing. After a wash, the color remains, becomes more vibrant and the luster becomes even more accentuated. Co washing is also an essential tool for stylists dealing with color-treated hair because color-treated hair is generally dryer than virgin, untreated hair.

Co washing also means less shedding and fewer split ends. More moisture makes for healthier hair growth and retaining proper oils as a sealant is the recipe for that moisture. Even though Natural hair comes in various textures and volumes, co washing curly hair can yield amazing results for every type of natural hair. Converts, from relaxers to natural hair are also discovering big benefits of co washing treatments.

Co washes have revolutionized the way we relate to our hair in regards to softening, conditioning and cleansing. Forget your average shampoo, co washing is the real deal! Co washing cleanses while retaining moisture which is why co washing natural hair is important.

Co washing has also been attributed to reducing dandruff. Dandruff is exacerbated by dryness and can make the scalp itchy and irritable. Using a co wash instead of a shampoo keeps the scalp moisturized which goes a long way in alleviating dandruff.

Co washing 101:

  • If you don’t completely rinse ALL the conditioner out of your hair, this will give your hair some slip.
  • Co wash cleansing is easiest performed in the shower or by a sink bowl.
  • The moisturizing and other benefits of the co wash can easily outweigh the product price.
  • Do not use a protein-laden co washing conditioner. Protein-laden conditioners cause build-up and will dry your hair out.
  • While it’s possible to conditioner wash daily, make sure you shampoo your hair periodically as well. You may find a weekly or biweekly shampooing works well to balance the co wash.
  • If your hair already has some moisture use a light-weight conditioner. Don’t use a thick conditioner which is likely to add build-up.
  • Use all natural conditioners instead of chemical-based conditioners.

Disadvantages of Co washing:

Co washing is not for everyone nor is it a remedy for every hair problem. Co washing should not be used on over-processed, deteriorated hair. Conditioners also soften hair and may do harm to already thinning or overly soft hair.

It is possible to “over wash” hair using the co wash technique (See our step-by-step after-workout guide for proper co washing). Co washes are milder than shampoos but may have to be reduced significantly with relaxed hair. Co washing daily or every other day requires more heat (for thoroughly drying your hair after washing) to be applied to your hair than you would otherwise. Using non-heat drying methods (such as wrapping up in a t-shirt) give more latitude for more co wash intervals. Applying heat will cause more damage to healthy hair than co-washing with a light-weight conditioner and drying without heat .

EBAN’s “Complete Guide” Series

Follow our “Complete Guide to Co Washing with Natural Hair” series as we demystify co washing, explore it’s magical possibilities and help you take advantage of this hidden gem in your beautiful and healthy hair journey. We’ll also be featuring other hair care routines and information in order to help you receive the benefits of exercise AND the benefits of healthy hair. Our mission at EBAN is to help you live your Loudest and Most Unapologetic Life!
The Complete Guide to Co Washing with Natural Hair
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